Your sponsored child knows your name 9 February 2021

Your sponsored child knows your name

Are you curious about what it looks like when your child learns your name? Watch this video to get a glimpse into that sweet moment for kids around the world. 

Three ways letter writing benefits you and the child you sponsor 21 April 2021

Three ways letter writing benefits you and the child you sponsor

Writing letters to your sponsored child can be a hard thing to prioritise. But hopefully, you see at least three reasons why it might be something you’d want to do.

Trafficking Unlocked 2022 20 September 2022

Trafficking Unlocked 2022


Tearfund invites you to a charity evening raising funds for our mission to combat human trafficking in South East Asia and the Pacific. This event will take place in November, in both Auckland and Tauranga.

How the global food crisis is impacting children 24 August 2022

How the global food crisis is impacting children

Malnutrition damages children’s growth, learning and development. Tearfund's partner Compassion is doing everything possible to give children in poverty and their families resources and opportunities to thrive.  Find out how.

Practical ideas for writing letters to your sponsor child 9 February 2021

Practical ideas for writing letters to your sponsor child

Do you sponsor a child but feel lost and confused about how to write them? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! These feelings do not make you a bad sponsor. Writing to your sponsor child shouldn’t feel like a burden, so we’re here to provide great tips on how to write an encouraging letter to your child.
