Engage my church

Discover how Tearfund can empower you and your church to make a lasting impact in the fight against global poverty. 

Local church, global difference 

How your church can help to end extreme poverty.

Poverty is not God’s plan - we, the Church, are. Around the world, local churches are leading transformation and challenging injustice in their communities.  

At Tearfund, we believe that every church can play a part in ending extreme poverty – and that’s why we want to equip you and your church to take action. We can share resources, expert training and stories from around the world to inspire your church to engage with the complex issue of global poverty in practical ways.

Request a speaker

Our experienced presenters bring inspirational messages or sermons on topics to fit your church’s specific missions' interest


Join us in our Seeds of Hope and Lament studies for the season of Lent

The Big Quiz

Churches host a pre-packaged, fun-filled quiz night to support people affected by poverty in low-income countries




What your partnership looks like

Tearfund works through local partners

In some of the toughest contexts around the world, Tearfund partners with local churches to super-charge their work for a season.  
Through these partnerships, we see kids and families break the cycle of poverty and coming to know Jesus, thanks to their local church.  
The Church around the world is doing amazing things. The Body of Christ in New Zealand has the capacity to empower even more congregations around the world to accomplish their vision for change in their communities. 

We invite your church to partner with us in this mission! 


What does a church partnership with Tearfund look like in practice?

To help you navigate the process of reaching overseas communities most in need, Tearfund brings the resources, the people and 50 years’ experience working cross-culturally addressing poverty and injustice.


What aspect of missions resonates with your church?

Our team can connect you with work in the humanitarian, human slavery, sustainable livelihoods and child development sectors - and we’ll find the work or geographical location that resonates most with your church.


A partnership with Tearfund can include:

• A Tearfund speaker to present to your congregation
• Field partners visiting your church
• Visits to the field for church leadership
• Engaging your church family in prayer

We'd love to hear from you!

Find out more about Tearfund and what creating a partnership with your church might look like.

We'd love to hear about your vision for your church and how God is at work, changing hearts and transforming lives.

Enter a few quick details below and one of our team will be in touch soon.


What our church partners are saying

"Tearfund is proving to be an outstanding missions partner for our church. They have connected us to transformational work happening in the midst of extreme poverty and have given us the tools to engage our people in supporting programmes that are making a genuine difference to lives and communities."

Reuben Munn, Senior Pastor 
Shore Community Church 

"Tearfund is a valuable partner of Windsor Park Baptist Church, providing expertise and leadership in ways that we can't as a local church. We hugely value their assistance in helping us connect with global mission opportunities through the indigenous local church."

Grant Harris, Senior Pastor 
Windsor Park Baptist 

"Our church loves the work that Tearfund does to help the most vulnerable in Jesus’ name. It is an absolute privilege for us to partner with them."

Sam Barr, Senior Pastor
Echo church 


Stay up to date with some of the prayer needs.

We'll send regular prayer points from the global church, and impactful stories from the field. Build a strong connection between your church and the global church, and their needs - because your prayers are part of God’s plan. 


Host a Tearfund speaker or special guest at your church

Hear about making an impact for social justice, poverty, and transformation. Sunday or mid-week, together we can empower your congregation to be part of transformational change for vulnerable people.


Strengthen a church in a majority-world region that you choose.

Whether its child sponsorship, emergency and relief aid or supporting the work against modern slavery – your support makes a powerful impact as local churches serve to bring positive change in their struggling communities. 


Have any questions?

We'd love to hear from you. You can get in touch by emailing our friendly church team at church@tearfund.org.nz

Contact us