Kids around the world: where I get my water

When you need a glass of water, or need to brush your teeth or wash your dishes, where do you get your water? Do you turn on the tap in the kitchen? Or get water out of the fridge? For many kids around the world, access to safe water is still a huge issue. They walk many miles to gather water that is contaminated. This makes them vulnerable to diseases like cholera, dysentery and typhoid.

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Meet the World Changers!

Meet Tony - World's Greatest Invisible Basketball Player



Occupation: National Director of Compassion Dominican Republic
Hometown: La Romana, Dominican Republic
Age: 34
Time as a Sponsored Child: 10 years and 8 months


Encouraging Children in Poverty

For Tony, receiving encouraging letters from his sponsor played a huge part in helping him escape the cycle of poverty. And the same is true for many children in Compassion’s program. But …

- Only 66% of children in Compassion’s program receive letters from their sponsor.
That means nearly 680,000 children never receive a letter.

Fun Facts

- Tony attended graduate school in Chicago, Illinois.
- He married another Compassion graduate; she has a master’s degree in biochemistry, speaks three languages and is becoming a doctor.


Meet Vivian - Not Your Average Youth Mentor



Occupation: Administrative Assistant and Youth Leader
Hometown: Daraja Mbili, Tanzania
Age: 28
Time as a Sponsored Child: 13 years and 1 month

Child Advocacy

Have you ever had someone advocate for you? Speak up for you? Empower you? If so, then you know how life-changing it can be. Now, imagine how life-changing that would be for a child …

Sponsors, church leaders and mentors poured into Vivian’s life as a child — they were advocates for her. And now, she’s giving back. She’s an advocate herself, and is creating cycles of empowerment and advocacy in her community.

There are so many ways YOU can contribute to the positive cycle of child advocacy in your family, in your community and around the world. Here are just a few …


Fun Facts

- Vivian earned a bachelor's degree in Social Protection.
- She loved playing netball and singing in the choir at her Compassion center as a child.


Meet Melanie: This Generation's Newest STEM Leader



Occupation: IT Professional
Hometown: The Philippines
Age: 22
Time as a Sponsored Child: 13 years and 6 months

Youth Development Makes a Huge Difference

The support Melanie gained as a teenager propelled her toward a brighter future. Receiving intentional mentorship from a woman in her church, corresponding regularly with her sponsors and attending university all pushed her to grow into a strong, self-sufficient adult. And that’s why Youth Development is so critical.

As of February 2020:

- 26,670 Compassion-assisted youths are attending university.
- 87,400 are receiving vocational training.
- 100% are setting goals for their future and receiving the support, mentorship and guidance needed to achieve their goals.

Fun Facts

- Melanie plays the tambourine.
She utilizes both her left brain and her right brain regularly. Even though she studied Information Technology, she also loves all things art.



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