Tearfund 748

How do we have hope when the world feels so dark?

There’s a challenge to the times we’re living in. We’re seeing glimpses of God’s Kingdom, but we’re not yet seeing its full expression. In the meantime, we’re confronted with such a large scale of need and suffering. 



Hope is in high demand, as our world navigates times of considerable adversity. Photo: Tearfund


Across the world, inequality appears to be on the rise, politics and conflict divide us, and we’re facing increasing living costs. Plants and animals that are part of God’s beautiful creation, and on whom we all depend, are under threat of pollution and species loss.  

Is it any wonder the Faith and Belief study recently revealed the number one thing New Zealanders’ long for is hope for the future? This topped the list, even above the desire for increased wealth or security. Hope it appears, is in short-supply and in high-demand.  



One day there will be complete equality, so for now we work against poverty. Photo: Tearfund 




What is our hope? 

For many Christians, hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised: that one day God’s Kingdom will come on earth as in heaven. It’s in the Lord’s Prayer taught by Jesus and repeated by thousands of Christians across New Zealand each week.  

The Message translation of Romans 8:18-21 paints a beautiful picture of this Kingdom hope. 

That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reigns it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. 

And what could these promised times look like?  

One day there will be peace, so for now we work in war zones. One day there will be equality, so for now we work against poverty. One day there will be freedom for those in captivity, so for now we work against slavery. One day all creation will be renewed, so for now we work against the destruction of our earth.  



Our partners work in some of the world’s toughest situations, and we’re often asked how we hold onto hope? Our answer: we look at the life of Jesus. Photo: Nikki Denholm / Tearfund



In the face of darkness and despair, how can we hold onto hope?  

Because we work in some of the world’s toughest situations, this is a question we’re often asked. We believe the life of Jesus provides some rich answers.   

Firstly, we can build our hope by drawing close to our powerful God. There are frequent examples of Jesus drawing away to spend time alone with God. Through prayer and nurturing our relationship with God, we’re reminded of his sovereignty and the invitation to be fully dependent on him. Prayer also reminds us that we have the gift of the Holy Spirit, who is ever present offering us fresh vision, wisdom and guidance.  

Secondly, we can build hope by doing life together. Jesus modelled this himself, through the way he did life with and alongside his disciples. Through close and deep relationships, we can share our grief and hopes and go for longer. This is especially poignant in the times where we face fatigue and despair, as it’s then that we can lean on the faith and energy of others.  

Thirdly, we can build our hope through taking action. Jesus’ ministry was full of small actions of radical love. Our hope can grow through taking small actions of faith too, as we realise both the difference our actions make and the fact that others are doing them too.  



We can build our hope through taking small actions of faith. Photo: Tearfund



What is our role as Christians?  

As Christians we are not merely called to hold onto God’s hope, but we are called to be agents of hope ourselves.  

The gospel invites us to join in God’s transformational work. God could choose to redeem humanity and our planet without us and despite us, and yet he doesn’t. Instead, God invites us to partner with him in seeing his kingdom come and bringing the light to the darkness. And as our times appear to be getting darker, that gospel light becomes brighter.  

Together with our on-the-ground partners and with Christians across New Zealand, we at Tearfund seek to join in the work of God as he brings hope and his kingdom. We invite you to join too. Let’s begin by praying together the words Jesus taught us.  



If you’re interested in journeying deeper into this theme of hope, then we invite you to check out our 2024 Lent video series exploring this theme.  

Explore Lent 2024

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