Compassion 1058

The Power of Words

Writing to your sponsor child should never be underestimated. Your words of hope and life-giving encouragement have the power to help change the life of your sponsor child. That's why Tearfund's partner, Compassion, encourages letter-writing—to allow children and sponsors to communicate and build friendships.

Meet nine-year-old Franklin who lives on the Colombian coast. At age three, Franklin was registered at a local Compassion centre when he was three. A key relationship in his life is the deep friendship he has with his sponsor.

Every time sponsors’ letters arrive at the centre, Franklin waits excitedly to receive his. His heart fills with joy when he hears his name called to receive his letters. That’s right, letters. He doesn’t receive just one, but five, seven, or ten at a time. His sponsor Kathy writes to him almost every week!

In the last six years, Franklin has received more than 200 letters from his sponsor, carrying messages of hope, encouragement and love. Through her letters, Kathy has become part of Franklin’s family. She tells him about her family, children, pets, important events, vacations, trips, and daily activities.


Franklin is outside his house sitting at a table and resting his arms on a pile of the more than 200 letters he has received from his sponsor. 


“My sponsor is part of my family. She loves me, and I feel that is true,” says Franklin.

The staff at the centre love to see the excitement on the children’s faces as they receive letters and as they write in return. They know that these relationships with their sponsors are such a blessing for their development.

“Franklin is the one who receives the most letters from his sponsor. Each letter shows the love that his sponsor has for him and motivates him to get to know Jesus. Writing letters is important because the children are very happy when they receive them; they feel loved through the distance, and their sponsors become part of their families despite only knowing each other through letter writing,” shares Ludys, the centre director.

As Franklin loves to paint, Kathy sends drawings with her letters. The keen young artist spends hours painting those pictures—something that his mother is very happy about!


 Franklin is sitting in front of his house with his mother, Elvia, smiling as they read one of the letters he received from his sponsor. 


“Thank you for all the beautiful messages you send to my child. He spends hours painting and drawing—it prevents him from going out on the street and learning bad behaviour,” says Elvia, Franklin’s mother.

At the centre, Franklin is learning about God’s love, and through her letters, Kathy encourages him to forge a deeper relationship with God.


  Franklin is at home lovingly holding some letters from his sponsor against his chest with his eyes closed. 


“Franklin, I am praying that you are blessed today. I pray that God will reveal to your heart the deep love He has for you. I know you are special to Him, and He watches over you. I pray that He walks with you and talks with you. I pray that He guides you in the direction He has planned for you. I pray His protection on you and your family,” Kathy writes in one letter.

The power of these words has impacted Franklin’s life. He is loved, knowing someone believes in him and his dreams. Kathy has become part of Franklin’s life through the simple act of writing.

“I love you so much, sponsor Kathy. I really want to meet you! Thanks for your letters and drawings,” says Franklin.


If you have been inspired by Franklin and Kathy's story, why not use our simple online letter-writing tool to write to your sponsor child?


Write a letter



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