Kate Kardol 1065

Looking for a meaningful gift this Christmas? We can help!

Christmas is such a special time for my family. I love our traditions, the time of reflection during Advent, the excitement on our kids’ faces, and of course, the tasty treats!


But the page-long list of gifts to buy followed by the mall trips alongside hundreds of frenzied shoppers? Well, that is a tradition we kicked to the kerb years ago, aiming instead for more meaningful gifts that result in less waste and more impact.


If you find yourself nodding along, saying “yeah, sista”, then you should check out the Gift for Life Gift Catalogue, full of meaningful gifts with big impact for people living in poverty around the world.


From the popular Mini Moo ($75) to our new gifts like Refugee Care Package, which helps Ukrainian refugees and Support a Small Business, which benefits women in Afghanistan, we’ve got 17 gifts to fit all interests and price points.


Each gift includes a newly designed card (choose from a physical or e-card!) with a special message about the impact of your gift and enough space to include a personal message from you. If you want to give your loved one a gift too, you could pair it with a related product! Check out our suggestions.


Here are the five most popular gifts under $100 and how they are making a difference!



Mini Moo – $75, paired with some fair-trade chocolate


Pathmanathan and her children.


When you give a Mini Moo, you support families like Pathmanathan and her children. After the brutal civil war in Sri Lanka which killed her husband, Pathmanathan didn’t have a way to support herself and her children. She joined Tearfund’s dairy programme in her area, received a cow, and the rest is history!


“I was given a cow, taught how to make a shed, how to feed and handle a cow, and where to sell the milk. Because of the programme, I now have four cows and my income has doubled. This income means we can live.”

See a Mini Moo gift in action in Sri Lanka here



Refugee Care package $20, paired with a care package designed especially for your friend


Ukrainian refugees arrive in Poland.


Families fleeing the violence in Ukraine are arriving in Poland with next to nothing. You can show love to a family on the move with a care package full of essentials like soap, shampoo and nappies for babies.


"As the conflict continues, Ukrainian families wrestle with what's next. They’re scared and overwhelmed. We’ve seen thousands of refugees come across the border into Poland every day, leaving everything behind in search of safety. They’re scared and overwhelmed." - Tearfund's partner in Poland



Good to Goat – $50, paired with goat-milk soap


Mina at her goat farm in Nepal.


A goat is a simple yet effective way to help reduce the vulnerability of people in low-income countries. The goat's milk acts as a nutritious boost to the family's diet, and the surplus can be sold at the market to increase the family's income.


When you give a Good to Goat, you support people like Mina in Nepal, who dreamed of starting her own business in goat farming but was worried she didn’t have the skills to make her dream a reality.


“After the training, I received on commercial goat raising, I borrowed from my women’s group and grew my business to 40 goats! I plan to support vulnerable members of my group by selling them goats for a low price. I dream of making our community a model village for goat farming,” says Mina.



Caffeine Boost $20, paired with fair trade chocolate and a coffee mug


Louie from Vanuatu.


Most of us appreciate a caffeine boost to start our day, but your donation means a whole lot more for coffee growers in Vanuatu. Coffee is a cash crop which can generate an income, helping to pay for school expenses so children can receive an education. It can also mean there is something set aside for family emergencies such as medical care.


“The income I earn from my coffee plantation helps pay for my children's school fees, "says Louie from Vanuatu.



Support a small business $50, paired with a handmade item from a small business in New Zealand.


This gift helps a woman in Afghanistan start a small business.


Women in Afghanistan face many challenges because of the ongoing conflict and insecurity in their homeland. Your gift helps open the door for a woman to earn an income for her and her family by providing the training and tools to start a small business.


“Your gift will help provide women with the practical supplies they need to start their own tailoring business, allowing them to generate their own income and become self-sufficient.” - Tearfund's partner in Afghanistan


Pick a gift, we'll send you a card and your gift will go to a family living in poverty!



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