How to pray for Ukraine

When faced with a crisis like the conflict in Ukraine, it can be hard to know how to pray. But the desire to pray itself is a great place to start. This guide is divided into two sections: the first giving you suggestions about what to pray for, and the second providing different creative prayer ideas for you and your church, group or family to use. 

Compassion International 1526

To my Baby with Love


For mothers in rural communities of Nicaragua, motherhood is a blessing and, for many, a source of unexpected doubts and endless questions.

While prenatal care is free, the lack of facilities in rural communities is challenging for many mothers who cannot afford transportation to the city. In these rural communities, the Survival Initiative at Compassion centres are alleviating the worries of mothers.

Instead of feeling anxious and uncertain, these mothers can focus on building a relationship with their babies and enjoying every moment of their growth. The programme provides specialist pre-and post-natal care to make sure they and their babies survive and thrive. Staff visit them regularly at home to teach them how to help their babies’ development.

The churches that deliver this programme are a haven, and the mothers are more confident in their abilities to help their children achieve their dreams and goals.

Some mothers share their joys, struggles, hopes and dreams for their little ones in a letter to their babies.



Maria Adilia – Jaden’s mum.

I thank the Lord for letting me be your mother, Jaden. It has already been an amazing experience and we have shared wonderful moments. I’m blessed to be able to give you all my love.

Sometimes it’s hard because I’m still learning about raising you, about how to take care of you to the best of my ability, and sometimes our financial situation is difficult, but thanks to the Lord’s help and the centre’s support, we’ve made it through.

What I like the most about being your mother is when I feel the love and tenderness that we share. It’s beautiful to know that I can give so much love to this little person in my arms.

My dreams for you, Jaden, are that you can be independent one day and able to learn as much as you can about the Word of God. I dream of seeing you serving the Lord one day, filled with His Spirit.

I would like you to have a career. Whatever you choose, Jaden, know that I will be with you to support you. I hope that one day you get to have your own family as well.

I thank the Lord for His blessings and for keeping you healthy. I also thank Him for providing for us and for allowing me to be part of the Survival Intervention at church. Praise God!



Patricia – Alaia’s mum.

There are so many things that I would like to say, so I will try to write about why you’re so special to me, my Alaia. You came to my life at the moment God decided. God gave me the best and most valuable gift. Let me tell you, Alaia, that you have filled my days with light and blessings.

Now that I am a mother, I have felt scared and worried, and I have had countless sleepless nights, but everything I have experienced since you came, I have enjoyed. You have made me a stronger, braver person—someone who’s not afraid to take on the challenges I find in my everyday life.

I admire you so much, Alaia, because ever since you were born you proved to be a strong, intelligent, curious, and brave little girl. During my pregnancy, I always wondered what you would be like; I couldn’t wait to meet you and hold you in my arms. I would pray and ask the Lord for you to be a healthy girl and for your birth to go okay.

At first, I would always say that I wanted you to grow up because I wanted to see what you’d be like in the future, but as the months have gone by, I would like you to always be my little girl so that I could always hug you and put you to bed as I do now. I know, though, that you have to grow up, spread your wings and fly, but until that happens, I’ll be your guide, your teacher, and your friend.

As your mother, it’s my responsibility to take care of you, and I promise you, Alaia, I will try every day to give you good advice to help you grow up to be a good person, one with good moral and spiritual values.

I would also like for you to have a career. I can’t tell you that I want you to be a doctor a lawyer or an engineer. But I want you to know that whatever you choose to be, you can do it!

Your happiness is in your hands, and I’ll always be there to support you.



Maria – Kendra’s mum.

To my little princess, Kendra, I pray that the Lord’s blessing is always on your life, my little girl, my treasure. I know that you can’t read this letter right now, but I know that one day you will be able to, and in this letter, I want to let you know about all the things my heart feels for you.

I remember when you were a little baby in my belly—I was so happy, and I felt so much love growing in my heart. I must be honest, though: I was very scared because I already had your other two siblings, and the financial situation was very difficult. I wanted to give you everything when you were born, I didn’t want you to experience any hardships.

So, I prayed to the Lord, telling Him that I didn’t care if my baby was a boy or a girl, I just wanted my baby to be healthy and for Him to provide for us so that you could have everything you needed.

The Lord answered my prayer and I thank Him for everything He has done in our lives since you came here, Kendra. You are the best and most wonderful gift He has ever given me. I know that with the Lord’s help and support, you will be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to. My wish Is that you always be filled with God’s love, and I pray for you to be able to serve Him one day.

I love you, my little angel, and I pray that the Lord gives us a long, long time to be together here. May He keep you safe and provide you with everything you need.



Tomasa – Javier’s mum.

When I found out I was pregnant, I got very scared because I was sick and receiving treatment for it. I was scared that the medicines would affect you. Ten years after I had my last son, I was once again getting ready to receive a wonderful gift that the Lord sent me. It was in His plans for me to have this baby that has brought so much light and joy to my life and the lives of everyone around him.

My pregnancy was difficult. I felt very sick, but I was very anxious to see you, Javier. I couldn’t wait to see your little face, kiss your little hands, and hold you in my arms. All that time, and still today, I can’t wait to see the man you will become, one that I know will serve the Lord.

The day you were born, I was the happiest woman alive when I heard your cry because I knew that my little love had come to this world safe and sound.

The Lord was with me at every moment of my pregnancy, and every single day, I prayed for you to have a safe delivery because I knew my age would make things more difficult for you. But the Lord was there with both of us. Now I am happy to see how funny, intelligent, happy, charismatic, and loving you are, Javier.



Genibeth – Liam’s mum.

Hi, Liam!

I want to start by saying that my dreams for you are for you to be a good kid, with good manners, studious, kind, and hardworking. I would like for you to go to school, and then to go to college, but more importantly, I would like for you to trust the Lord and follow His path. One day, I hope you get to have a family, too.

Motherhood has been very special for me, and I have learned a lot of things. I have learned how to take care of you, how to dress you, how to feed you, and how to play with you. I am thankful for the things I have learned during this time because you are the most important thing in my life.

The most difficult part of motherhood so far has been adapting to the changes, but I have been getting used to them! The most difficult part was that I was a bit scared of hurting you when I showered you or when I changed your clothes, but with the Lord’s help and the centre’s support, I have learned how to be a good mother to you.

What I like the most about being your mother, Liam, is when I get to breastfeed you because I think it’s so important to feel that special connection with you. It makes me feel your love, and I hope you feel mine as well.

I thank the Lord for your health, for our home, for our family and for all the blessings that have come from having the opportunity to be part of the Survival Intervention at the centre.


From as little as $30 a month, you can support mothers and babies through Tearfund and Compassion’s Mums and Bubs Programme, which is helping mothers and babies in Indonesia.


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