General 50 Years Strong: Kiwis transforming lives with Tearfund For 50 years and counting, the unwavering generosity of our supporters has fuelled life-changing and innovative work.Together we’re offering vulnerable people hope and empowering them to live with dignity. Read more... Keith Ramsay, Monday, March 10, 2025
Sponsorship Child Sponsorship hits the right note Stephen Oundo's life began with tragedy; but through a locked piano, some encouraging words and a child sponsorship programme, he discovered his purpose. Read more... Tearfund NZ, Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Sponsorship Planting Seeds Beneath the Mango Tree This International Women’s Day we honour Sreyra, whose faith and compassion is transforming lives through education and ministry. Partnering with Compassion, she brings hope to children and mothers in her community. Read more... Tearfund NZ, Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Modern Slavery Hope in action: Tearfund supporters visit human trafficking work in Thailand Seeing the anti-human trafficking work of our partner LIFT in Thailand, was an eye-opener and an inspiration for the group of visitors who support this work. Read more... Tearfund NZ, Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Sponsorship Twelve heart-melting pictures of kids with their animal buddies Animals can help people in poverty and provide companionship and joy to children. Read our blog showing 12 sponsor kids and their favourite animals! Read more
General Boot Camp: helpful tips to care for your shoes This year, Tearfund turned up the heat on the footwear industry, exposing the exploitation and environmental concerns linked to our shoes in our article "Footwear: An Industry Laced with Exploitation". One way we can respond and tread lighter for people and the planet is by extending the life of our shoes. This guide will tell you everything you need to know to ensure your shoes live long and happy lives. Read more
General Airing the dirty laundry on donated clothes If you support Tearfund, you will likely be familiar with our work to reduce worker exploitation in the fashion industry. Recently, we’ve been focusing on the environmental impacts of fashion. The clothes and shoes we buy, how we care for them and how we dispose of them has never been more important. Read more
Sponsorship A hope that can reach the skies Just last week, we had the opportunity to visit our partner Compassion's projects in Indonesia. Chica is a sponsored child that really left an imprint on our hearts. The hope she carried was powerful and contagious. Sponsorship lifted Chica and her family out of poverty, and we can't wait to tell you her story. Read more
Modern Slavery Trafficking Unlocked 2022 Tearfund invites you to a charity evening raising funds for our mission to combat human trafficking in South East Asia and the Pacific. This event will take place in November, in both Auckland and Tauranga. Read more
Modern Slavery The number of people trapped in modern slavery has increased by 10 million in the last five years Read more
Modern Slavery The government has announced widespread support from Kiwis for proposed modern slavery law In April, we invited you to make history by making a submission in support of New Zealand's first law to address modern slavery and worker exploitation in supply chains. Today, the government released a Summary of Feedback. Here's what you need to know. Read more
Modern Slavery The government has announced widespread support from Kiwis for proposed modern slavery law The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) received more than 5,600 submissions and has released a summary of the feedback received on their legislative proposal. Read more
Sponsorship Mums and Bubs: A story of hope and connection We visited one of Tearfund's new Mums and Bubs projects in Denpasar, Indonesia, an infant survival programme fully funded by generous Kiwis! Discover the fullness of joy it brings to vulnerable mums and their little ones, by reading our new blog. Read more