
Our partner, Compassion, started working in Bangladesh in 2003.

186 local partners


More than 54,153 children registered


1,169 mums and their babies supported

About Bangladesh

Ohe | ওহে
(Hello in Bengali)

Bangladesh is located in South Asia and is one of the world's most densely populated countries. It is known for its lush green landscapes and a culture rooted in religion. It is also a country where poverty runs deep and many people have limited access to education and food. Yet our local church partners are at work, serving their communities by providing resources and holistic support to help children and families thrive.

Watch the latest video update to learn more about Compassion's work in Bangladesh.


Thank you for praying for staff, children and families in Bangladesh

Pray for the work in Bangladesh.

+ Partners as they need more wisdom to respond to the current economic crisis and also address the children and youth issues.

Partners face many challenges in the communities.

Pray for God's wisdom for our partners and our staff.

Pray for our expansion work in the extreme poverty areas.

A snapshot of Compassion's Child Sponsorship Program in Bangladesh

Compassion’s program is contextualised across countries and communities, as well as age groups.

  • Children aged 1 to 3 receive home-based care
  • Children aged 3 to 9 visit the Compassion centre for five to six hours a day every weekday and eight hours on Saturdays.
  • Children aged 9 and older attend the centre for four hours each weekday and eight hours on Saturdays.

Compassion assisted children in Bangladesh typically attend program activities at their local child development centre before school and occasionally on Saturdays. Here is an example of what a typical program day looks like for children in Bangladesh.

8:00am – A time for songs, games and introductions.

10:30am – Break time, when children can play in a safe environment and develop friendships.

11:00am – Social-emotional lessons ranging from conflict resolution to developing healthy self-esteem. Children often come from challenging home environments and are taught social and personal skills.

12:00pm – Lunch and social time. Children generally receive a meal five days a week. The meals typically consist of rice and lentils with vegetables, fish, eggs, chicken or potatoes.

1:00pm – Health lessons, in which children learn practical health and hygiene lessons.

2:00pm – Letter writing and career planning. Older children work with local staff to identify their strengths and interests and set goals for their future.

Children are also encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, such as singing, dance, drawing and drama. Children play outdoor games such as football, cricket and volleyball. Parents of Compassion assisted children meet once a month to learn a variety of topics.

Writing to your child is the best way to build a relationship, and your words of encouragement can mean the world.

Write a Letter

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