child sponsorship

Burkina Faso

Compassion began partnering with churches in 2004.

476 church partners


Over 97,396 children registered


Over 2,520 mums and their babies supported

About Burkina Faso

Windiga (hello in Mooré)

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa where it is estimated that over 70 languages are spoken. Burkinabè people are known for having a jovial attitude and a great sense of humour. People are quick to stop what they’re doing to help one another. In a society where many people cannot read or write, oral tradition is central to the culture. Stories are passed from generation to generation. It is also one of the poorest countries in the world and where many people struggle to access basic resources. Local churches in Burkina Faso are making sustainable changes in their own communities to see vulnerable children rise from poverty.

Watch the latest video update to learn more about Compassion's work in Burkina Faso.

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Thank you for praying for staff, children and families in Burkina Faso 

Pray  for God's provision and protection over participants, caregivers and Frontline Church Partners and Compassion International staff, particularly for those in areas affected by insecurity.

+ Pray for more wisdom from God for all stakeholders in supporting appropriately children and youth in this difficult season.

Give thanks that Compassion's partnership with the church is highly appreciated by community leaders as a development and unification tool, thanks to the tangible results in terms of child sponsorship, health care, education, potable water access.

A snapshot of Compassion's Child Sponsorship Program in Burkina Faso 

Compassion’s program is contextualised across countries and communities, as well as age groups.

  • Children aged 1 to 3 receive home-based care
  • Children aged 3 to 11 visit the Compassion centre for eight hours on Thursdays
  • Children aged 12 to 14 attend the centre for four hours on Thursdays and Saturdays
  • Students aged 15 and older attend for the centre for four hours on Saturdays 

Compassion assisted children in Burkina Faso typically attend program activities at their local child development centre on Thursdays and Saturdays. Here is an example of what a typical program day looks like for children in Burkina Faso.

9:00am - A time of prayer, devotion and breakfast. Breakfast usually consists of milk, bread and porridge.

9:30am - Spiritual lessons where children sing songs and learn Bible stories.

10:30am - Break time where children can play in a safe environment and develop friendships.

11:00am - Social-emotional lessons from conflict resolution to developing healthy self-esteem and a godly character. Children who often come from challenging home environments are taught social and personal skills.

12:00pm - Lunch and social time. Children are usually provided lunch which consists of rice, beans, sagabo (a local food made using millet or corn flour) and spaghetti. Additional nutritional support such as rice, maize and oil is provided for families in extreme need, such as those affected by HIV.

1:00pm - Health lessons where children are taught practical health and hygiene tips. Example topics include how to prevent malaria and HIV transmission.

2:00pm - Letter writing and career planning. Older children work with local staff to identify their strengths and interests, and set goals for their future.

In addition to Compassion’s curriculum, from the age of 12, students receive vocational training in areas like mechanics, hairdressing, sewing, soap making, gardening and animal breeding. Parents are offered income generation activities and training on topics such as hygiene, malaria prevention, reproductive health and nutrition.

Writing to your child is the best way to build a relationship, and your words of encouragement can mean the world.

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