Child Sponsorship


Our partner, Compassion began partnering with churches in 1993.

599 local partners


More than 137,073 children registered


Over 2,243 mums and their babies supported

About Ethiopia 

Selami (Hello in Amharic)

As one of the oldest nations in the world, Ethiopia has a rich and proud history. It is the largest and most populated country in the Horn of Africa and its economy is heavily agricultural. Ethiopia has a strong tradition of music and is thought to be the birthplace of coffee.Ethiopia has played a key role in Africa’s development. It was one of the first to sign the Charter of the United Nations and was a powerful symbol of African freedom and sovereignty during an era of widespread colonisation. Yet millions of Ethiopians still live in grinding poverty. Decades of political instability, ongoing conflict, and devastating famines in the late 20th century severely curtailed its progress. In the midst of difficult circumstances, local churches are giving the children the practical, spiritual and emotional support they need to thrive.

Watch the latest video update to learn more about Compassion's work in Ethiopia.

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Thank you for praying for staff, children and families in Ethiopia 

Pray that children will receive the food they need to support their growth and development.

+ Pray for peace and stability to prevail in our country; for the rehabilitation and healing of the people who lost their loved ones and were physically and psychologically wounded.

Pray for climate and economic health so food would be available on the table unceasingly.

A snapshot of Compassion's Child Sponsorship Program in Ethiopia

Compassion’s program is contextualised across countries and communities, as well as age groups.

  • Children aged 1 to 3 receive home-based care.
  • Children aged 3 to 11 visit the Compassion centre for eight hours on Saturdays. 
  • Children aged 12 and older attend for eight hours every Saturday. They visit three to five days a week during school breaks. 

Compassion assisted children in Ethiopia typically attend program activities at their local child development centre on Saturdays. Here is an example of what a typical program day looks like for children in Ethiopia.

9:00am - A time of prayer and devotion.

9:30am - Spiritual lessons in which children sing songs and learn Bible stories.

10:30am - Break time, when children can play in a safe environment and develop friendships.

11:00am - Social-emotional lessons ranging from conflict resolution to developing healthy self-esteem and a godly character. Children often come from challenging home environments and are taught social and personal skills.

12:00pm - Snack and social time. Light snacks are usually provided at the centre, including bread, tea and crackers. Every three months, supplementary grain and cooking oil is provided to families. If a child shows evidence of malnutrition, centre staff will seek the advice of a doctor and provide additional food and nutritional support accordingly.

1:00pm - Health lessons, in which children learn practical health and hygiene tips. Example topics include how to prevent malaria and HIV transmission.

2:00pm - Letter writing and career planning. Older children work with local staff to identify their strengths and interests and set goals for their future.

Students can elect vocational training skills depending on their area of interest, and often receive professional certification in the skill they are learning. Children in Ethiopia are offered additional classes in topics such as work ethics, study skills and entrepreneurship.

Writing to your child is the best way to build a relationship, and your words of encouragement can mean the world.

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