child sponsorship


Our partner, Compassion began partnering with churches in 1974.

223 local partners


More than 64,909 children registered


628 mums and their babies supported

2023 Update from Honduras

Introduce yourself

My name is Yolanda Rodas, National Director (19 years in Compassion). In this letter you will find contributions from the National Leadership team to whom I have the privilege to serve with. We are so grateful to count with your support in the mission that we share.

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How can you pray

The churches are really the hope and the light of Jesus in communities facing thess issues. Our goal is preparing the church to be a promoter of change in the community.

  • Please pray protection for our participants and their families due to the violence and insecurity in our country.
  • We ask prayer for open doors for income-generating opportunities for families.
  • Pray for grace and wisdom for the churches and Compassion Honduras to better serve every participant and their families according to their specific needs.

Writing to your child is the best way to build a relationship, and your words of encouragement can mean the world.

Write a letter

Ready to expand your sponsor-family? Make a decision today that could impact another child's tomorrow.

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