child sponsorship


Our partner, Compassion began partnering with churches in 1968.

745 local partners


More than 161,899 children registered


2,039 mums and their babies supported

2023 Update from Indonesia

Introduce yourself

I am Handoko Ngadiman, the National Director of Compassion Indonesia.

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Indonesia is not immune from the impact of the long period of COVID-19. Many families were impacted by the loss of work and for a long time, daily income impacted the family's source of income. It also created family conflict and potential abuse within the family. As a response to this situation, Compassion steps in and ensures that the participants have received the needed access through mentor visitations, provision of access to technology from home (mobile phone/laptop, and access to internet) or project (computer lab), additional tutorials online or onsite. We also provide family discipleship and counseling, training for mentors for strengthening the interventions for preventable diseases, early identification, immediate response to health issues, and establishing networking with local clinics.

There are also temporary food security packages, training and provision of seeds for home gardening (vegetables, etc.), animal husbandry (pigs, goats, chicken), Saving Groups, discipleship toward family income generation, and group micro businesses (youths, parents). For the short term, the participants and families are able to have confidence in facing COVID-19 impact in their lives with faith and hope in the Lord, family food security, better responses for preventable and minor diseases, participants' better access to formal quality education and not left behind too far from the other students with better education-related resources. In the long run, it provides the participants and parents with a stronger faith in Christ as a result of family discipleship, participants with better competitiveness in their relevant formal study as a future asset, the parents' ability to start new micro or small businesses for family income with access to their needed capital. In most cases, Compassion has enabled greater resilience with stronger faith and hopes through continuity of education for participants, and access to family income generation.

Addressing the specific needs of our participants, Compassion Indonesia has put its investment into reaching out to the neediest in the remote eastern part of Indonesia with limited access to infrastructure and technology, lower Human Development Index, etc. with the changes of the characteristic of poverty in urban and rural sectors, including the pockets of poverty, integrated program interventions end to end from early childhood toward youth development and its relevant interventions. The implication is to have a larger number of participants with malnutrition, stunting and wasting. The support from donors to Survival Program and Sponsorship have tremendously supported the early childhood interventions.

Another challenge is the parent's lower formal education, low literacy, ignorance about parenting, and much lower income level, which requires enforcement of Family Discipleship focused on parenting and family resource management (Saving Group, family income generation, etc.). Destructive culture and belief systems, including early marriage, physical abuse, dowry system, and others resulted in generations in the poverty trap. The increasing number of youths, specifically the ones graduating from high schools (around 6,000 youths/year) require interventions for formal education (diploma and university level), vocational training (1 to 2 years), and entrepreneurship training. These investments in their final stage after high school in the program through complimentary interventions on education and informal education have provided them with the skills and capacity needed toward being released from poverty in Jesus' name. The youth's competitiveness to access and receive government scholarships, and networking with Christian universities have increased the access needed to higher education. In short, together with sponsors and donors, we aim to see participants out of poverty in Jesus' name in one generation.

One participant has completed his bachelor's degree. It is a miracle because he was the first in the family to have a degree, considering his parents who were illiterate and of lower education level. Even, he was the first bachelor's degree holder in his local community. It is not only the story of a participant with his formal education achievement but also the breakthrough in his family and local community about the hope of the future that can be realized with God's intervention.

We have witnessed a lower rate of malnutrition, stunting, and wasting due to the health intervention, feeding program, and training provided to parents on parenting-early childhood and nutrition. We have witnessed a higher number of participants who have access to high schools as a result of sponsorship. We have witnessed an increasing number of participants with parental support who see the importance of higher education, and are able to access government scholarships, and received complimentary interventions from Compassion's donors, and other Christian education institutions. I met one alumnus who become General Manager for an electric vehicles company in Indonesia, married with one child, faithful to the Lord, and still connect with his previous sponsor. I was also informed one alumnus is taking her PhD. in France, another one in Ireland; and a few others taking their Master's Degree in the Netherlands, and USA with scholarships.

How you can pray

Please remember us in your prayers

  • Expansion to the poverty pockets which are in dire need to be known, loved and protected by the local church within their locality.
  • The capacity of the local church partners to be blessings for the poor children and their families within their local communities, and to glorify the name of the Lord.
  • The interventions from early childhood toward youth development for the participants in the program toward moving out of poverty in one generation.

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