child sponsorship


Compassion began partnering with churches in 2002.

258 church partners


More than 69,979 children registered


757 mums and their babies supported

2023 Update from Nicragua

Introduce yourself

Please accept our heartfelt greetings from our lovely country Nicaragua. I'm Daniel Hidalgo, and I've been serving God in Compassion, serving the children and youth, and the evangelical church for sixteen and a half years. I began as a partnership facilitator, by God's grace, recently assumed the responsibility of National Director, working with the national leadership team since October 2022.

The global food crisis has also drastically affected many Nicaraguan families, including families of participants enrolled in the Compassion program. A large segment located in rural and marginal urban areas suffer from hunger, malnutrition, lack of access to potable water, housing, inadequate health services and education. Added to this is the high level of unemployment. This situation has caused a decrease in labor and few jobs affecting the acquisition of money. Therefore, the rise in prices in the basic food basket in such a way that many do not have the opportunity for good nutrition and in some cases can only eat once a day. We thank our sponsors and donors who have been present and have sent their funds so that Compassion Nicaragua can support the work of the church and reach many families by providing food and hygiene packages, complementary interventions to generate income for highly vulnerable children and youth, health interventions and water sanitation. All this as a complement to the local church mobilization.

According to our growth strategy we are mainly focused on reaching the northern and north-eastern part of the country (approaching the Atlantic coast), where there is a large indigenous and Afro-descendant presence, as well as specific areas in the western part of the country. The common challenges we have seen, despite the great difference in the zones including the culture, is that we are reaching new communities and working with new churches. The biggest challenges are lack of employment and families migration, public health care needs to be improved, and the quality of education and access to vocational centers (especially on the Atlantic side). This is the cause of a high illiteracy rate, malnutrition and access to food.

Even with so many challenges, God has shown his love for his participants in such a way that has allowed Compassion Nicaragua to serve in partnership with local churches. Resources have been mobilized and support has been provided in the delivery of packages to the most vulnerable families, support in situations of natural disasters and specific health follow-ups- providing medical checkups to participants and health talks to parents. INATEC (National Technological Institute) has supported young people with English courses in some communities, alliances with the Ministry of Education and support from other social development institutions.

Churches have invested their resources during the crisis to improve their classrooms and better serve each registered participant and follow up on difficult situations. For example, participant Dulce from Ocotal, who could not access care through the public health system and could not walk.

Through the efforts of the local church with Compassion, Dulce was able to attend a private hospital and underwent surgery and now her knee is healthy, and she can perform her age-appropriate activities. Another way in which we can see God acting is during times of uncertainty.

We have seen that the participants continue to be loved and cared for by the church. We have seen participants who have received timely support in health, child protection, in disasters, and many children were able to receive their Christmas gifts. Churches continue to develop their evangelistic strategies such as gospel project and we are seeing participants, youth and their families come to Christ.

Compassion has had a great impact on the development of the participants' lives. One example is that many program graduates are now working at the national office. Edwin, a graduate is a program support specialist with a focus on complementary interventions. Pablo, a graduate works as an accountant at Compassion Nicaragua Office. Another graduate, Merari, is the National Church Planting Coordinator for the Assemblies of God of Nicaragua. Also, Yaser is currently the Academic Coordinator of the Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) in New Guinea and he teaches medicine at the Martin Luther University, further, he gives talks to young people and has a radio program.

How you can pray

Thank you for praying for staff, children and families in Nicaragua

We would appreciate with all of our hearts that you join us in prayer:

  • Pray for us so that God may move his hand of power and love to keep the evangelical church in the country to continue developing its ministry and that Compassion Nicaragua continues to operate during the current socio-political crisis.
  • We ask prayer that God will bless, heal, protect and prosper our Compassion staff, pastors, project staff, caregivers, and families.
  • Pray for each child and youth to develop their potential and be of impact in our communities and work teams in the name of Jesus as we work holistically for the expansion of God's gathering in our generation.
  • Pray that the cycle of poverty will be broken in so many families with the help of the Lord and the appreciated support of each sponsor and donor.

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