Child Sponsorship


Compassion began partnering with churches in 1999.

591 church partners


More than 114,533 children registered


1,611 mums and their babies supported

2023 Update from Tanzania

Introduce yourself

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ! I am Mary Lema, National Director for Compassion Tanzania. We are touched enormously by the love and kind hearts of our supporters all over the world who continued to support our work in Tanzania. We make progress every single second, minute, hour and day in the lives of vulnerable children. However, we have only impacted the lives of tens of thousands of children while millions still suffer in the shackles of poverty.

We still have a lot to do. For a girl or a boy to be released from poverty, they need proper nutrition, health care, access to clean and safe water and education. Youth will be more able to get a decent job if they have not been forced into child marriage or any other forms of maltreatment. Most importantly, households with high rates of poverty need sustainable income sources. Above all, a child and youth need to be nurtured spiritually to become followers of Christ and better citizens. Please join us and never give up!

Find out more

Last year, the national office conducted outcome surveys involving participants. The data revealed that over a third of program participants who were interviewed aged 9 to 19+ reported that they do not have enough food at home, and almost half do not eat fruits and vegetables daily. Another survey conducted by Compassion Tanzania on food availability and food access among program participants shows that 16,138 households out of 62,991 who needed food relief are facing high levels of acute food insecurity (stressed, crisis and or emergency state). Because of this data, Compassion Tanzania's response will focus mainly on food security and livelihoods interventions. There are 16,138 households that needs to be supported with food packs. Moderately affected households will be provided with improved agricultural inputs with drought tolerant seeds and orange fleshed potatoes vines so that they can sell to other farmers at lower prices.

Following analysis, our overall goal is to contribute to the holistic improvement and sustainable development of children and youth - especially the most vulnerable in Tanzania through:

  • Improvement of food and nutrition security, household income, and resilience to climate change by 2027
  • Improvement of the wellbeing of children, youth and caregivers through strengthening access and utilization of sustainable health, nutrition, and WaSH systems by June 2027
  • Prevention of, response to and restoration from violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children
  • Empowerment of vulnerable children and youth through education, training and other income generating activities to become economically self-sufficient and responsible citizens
  • Developing Youth to become followers of God and better citizens
  • Improvement of church partners' ownership, resource mobilization and capacity for sustainable management of holistic child and youth development ministry

The hand of God is seen at work through this ministry. Both church partners and participants have been impacted remarkably through the love and support from sponsors and supporters. The majority of youths are able to make wise life choices. Some have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Also, some of caregivers and siblings from some participants families have accepted Jesus and are attending Church. This is significant towards attaining participants outcomes. Church leaders are so touched by this ministry and pray for sponsors and donors.

Compassion's work in our country through sponsorship is making a significant impact, we are seeing youth being released from poverty in Jesus's name. Among many, here are some of the success stories from our program through youth development interventions. One youth was able to start a salon business with capital from a sponsor gift and the business has been successful, he has opened a second business of selling clothes. His business knowledge came from the entrepreneurship module in the adolescent curriculum that is taught during program day on Saturday at the center. He has also been able to buy a plot of land and with the little that he is earning he has been able to build a one-bedroom house. Another youth, passionate about leadership, has qualified to join the Tanzania Military as one of the very young officers. He is currently in military training and thereafter he will continue with his duties in the Tanzanian army. Another youth innovated remote control boat after participating in robotics class taught at the Child development center. He participated and stood out in the national technology innovation exhibition. Also, he innovated a traffic lights tracker system that is being tested to be able to track cars that don't follow the traffic lights system.

How you can pray

Thank you for praying for staff, children and families in Tanzania

  • Households facing food crisis
  • Participants to realize and maximize their God given potential
  • Favorable weather for agricultural activities and livestock
  • Frontline Church Partners commitment to child development
  • National office to empower and support the Church on holistic child development

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