
Where your monthly gift helps combat human trafficking and child marriage. 

Namaskar |  नमस्कार
(Hello in Nepali)

Welcome to Nepal – the next stop on your journey with World of Difference!

Nepal, cradled in the heart of South Asia, is renowned for its stunning Himalayan landscapes, including Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak.  

The country's natural beauty is matched only by its rich cultural heritage and the warmth and friendliness of its locals.  But the country grapples with deep-seated issues of poverty, child marriage and human trafficking- particularly affecting young girls. 

Find out how your monthly gift is preventing these young girls and women from being exploited. 


Where is Nepal?

Nepal is a landlocked country, nestled between China to the north and India to the south, east, and west. Hinduism and Buddism are the main religions in Nepal.  

Nepal's largest export is textiles and garments. These products account for a significant portion of the country's total export revenue. But tourism is also a crucial part of Nepal's economy, with Mount Everest being one of the primary attractions. 

The issues women face in Nepal

Life as a woman in Nepal is extremely challenging. Deep-rooted traditional beliefs cause women and girls to experience gender inequality, as boys are seen as more valuable than girls. As a result, many girls do not get an opportunity to attend school or finish their education. 

This underlying factor contributes significantly to issues like child marriage and human trafficking. In fact, Nepal struggles with one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. 

Nepal is home to 5 million child brides, including 1.3 million who marry before the age of 15. 

Children are robbed of their childhood. Often the child will experience psychological trauma, domestic violence and abuse, social isolation and slave-like conditions. 

Some families, completely unaware of these harmful consequences, will happily accept a dowry and send their young daughters off to be married. Others face the heartbreaking decision to sacrifice one daughter to provide for the rest. 

Human trafficking into India and the Middle East is also a major issue for women and girls in Nepal. Predators target the vulnerable and desperate, gain their trust and lure them under false hopes of a good job and a better future. 

An organisation’s mission to fight exploitation and gender inequality

Our partner Share and Care is working to reduce child marriage and human trafficking by increasing community awareness.  

In addition to these programmes, our partner is focused on helping families improve their livelihoods and food sources, so they are less vulnerable to exploitation.  

Let us take you on a journey to meet some of the people we serve.

Women empowered through action groups

One way women are empowered in the community is through our partner’s Women’s Action Groups. About 20 women gather to support each other, share knowledge, and take action to improve their lives and the communities.  

As well as being a safe space to discuss sensitive issues like domestic violence and child marriage, the women also pool their resources. Then they can start a business, manage savings, and undertake projects that generate a sustainable income. Women are vegetable farming, rearing poultry and running retail shops.  

They also identify vulnerable girls in the community and support their education. These women are not only empowering each other, but also become more actively involved in community development and decision-making processes. 

Meet Laxmi

Laxmi was raised in an extremely poor family and never had the opportunity to go to school. She was married by the age of 13. 

“At the time, I did not know why my parents married me off and I did not know of the consequences. I struggled very much. I would do all the housework, cleaning, washing, farming. Those days were very stressful.” 

Laxmi gave birth to her first daughter at just 15 years old. She gave birth to three more. But in Nepali culture it is sons that are prized. 

“Because I gave birth to four daughters my husband was very mad about it. He harassed me, mentally tortured me and my father-in-law did too. Sometimes I cried, it felt like a very dark situation.” 

Laxmi says she hasn’t seen or had contact with her husband in three months. “In the past seven months, I have received no money from him to care for my daughters.” 

Share and Care’s project staff encouraged Laxmi to get involved in a women’s group. 

“I had the opportunity to participate in anti-human trafficking training and psychosocial counselling. I also had the opportunity to share my feelings with the group, it helped raise hope and happiness in me,” she says. 

“They also provided me with livelihood support. I’ve started goat rearing. I bought two goats and when they grow up, I will sell them and reinvest to buy more goats. Initially it was difficult to manage monthly savings, now because of the group, I’m managing to do that.” 

“I was isolated and limited to household chores. But Share and Care have given me the opportunity to meet others and they’ve encouraged and empowered me, which is a great support.” 

Not only did Share and Care help Laxmi, but they also helped put her four daughters into school. 

“My focus is on getting my girls educated. They will be able to do better than me. I want to encourage them and support them into a better future.” 

Creative community awareness initiatives

Share and Care’s staff also provide training for teachers, equipping them to educate children in schools about the dangers of human trafficking, child marriage and risky migration. 

Students are encouraged to organise extracurricular activities like quizzes and street dramas to engage the whole community in the fight against human trafficking. 

Remarkably, some girls in the community even record songs in their local language about trafficking. They are played on a radio station which broadcasts nationwide, significantly boosting awareness.

Hear from the organisation's founder

*Warning the section discusses topics related to suicide. 

Ramesh Kumar began Nepal’s Share and Care organisation in 1994. More than 30 years later, Share and Care works in two districts and three municipal counties, reaching between 30 and 40,000 people. 

“We have transformed the lives of thousands of people. This is a big joy, seeing smiling faces gives me motivation. I will not let these girls be sold to hell,” says Ramesh. 

“We carefully plan our projects. We want them to be sustainable after we leave. Some groups are running without us, that is the goal.” 

Ramesh shares one story that has left a lasting impression on him. 

“A girl told me if Share and Care had not come into her village she would have died. She was planning to commit suicide because she felt so hopeless and rejected. She had no support from her family, no food to eat and no finances,” says Ramesh. 

She was sold to the circus in India before being rescued. 

“She received counselling, skills training and was given a small loan to start a business. She started with goat raising and has now built a tailoring shop. She is now married with one child.” 

Ramesh says, without funding these success stories would not be possible.  

"We have a big vision for no trafficking, transforming people and helping them to have an abundant life,” says Ramesh. 

Kiwi clothing brand championing women’s empowerment in Nepal 

Kiwi businesswoman Chrissy Conyngham is helping empower women who have been trafficked in Nepal through her fashion wheelhouse Flo & Frankie. She created a Flo Gives Back range where 15% of the proceeds go to Share and Care. 

We recently sat down with Chrissy to hear about her Flo Gives Back range and her trip to Nepal where she met several survivors of human trafficking who had been lifted out of poverty. 

We hope you enjoyed your visit to Nepal and were encouraged to see your donations in action!  

Next stop? You’ll have to wait and see.