Get your free lament reflection guide 

What is lament?

“My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me?” is perhaps the most well-known lament. 

Lament, at its heart, is us giving voice to the suffering that accompanies deep loss, whatever that loss may be, and intentionally sharing the weight of it with God. 

What to expect...

Through brief reflections, inspirational quotes, images and songs, our reflection guide encourages you to be brutally honest and open with God about the pain and suffering that either you or others are experiencing. The guide includes 40 reflections for you to journey, we’ll also share some of the  things we lament over.


A bit more about us:

At Tearfund New Zealand, we lament over the impact of poverty and suffering on the most vulnerable people in our world. We believe that poverty isn't part of God's plan, so we're committed to putting our faith into action to help people break free and reach their potential. We won't stop until poverty stops.