Your Will reflects who you are, what you care most about and how you want to be remembered well into the future. A Will gives you the power to choose how your assets can benefit your loved ones AND impact vulnerable people around the world. It gives you peace of mind for the future. As personal circumstances change, it is important to review your Will regularly to make sure it still accurately reflects your wishes, especially if your family or financial situation has changed. Whether you're updating your Will or creating one for the first time, our how-to guide has the information you need.
If you would like to get started, you can create an online Will through online portals such as Gathered Here or Footprint.
*We suggest you contact your own solicitor for legal advice. Tearfund does not recommend using one legal service over another. We encourage you to discuss your Will with your family. You are not obliged to include Tearfund in your Will.
There are three main ways of including a gift in your Will. Your legal advisor can ensure your Will is valid and clearly sets out how your estate is to be distributed according to your wishes and circumstances:
- Residual – the remainder of your estate after taking care of your loved ones
- Percentage – a percentage of the value of your estate
- Pecuniary or specific – a specific sum of money, property or items
We suggest the following wording:
"I give to The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund (Tearfund New Zealand), P O Box 8315, Symonds St, Auckland 1150, Registration CC21725 the residue of my estate (or ……………% of my estate or the sum of $...............or a description of the property or asset given) for its general purposes and declare that the official receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of Tearfund shall be full and sufficient discharge for my Trustees."
We suggest the following wording If you choose to include a child you sponsor in your Will:
"I give to The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund (Tearfund New Zealand), P O Box 8315, Symonds St, Auckland 1150, Registration CC21725 the residue of my estate (or ……………% of my estate or the sum of $...............or a description of the property or asset given) to be applied in the first instance to the maintenance of my sponsorship of {insert name/s of child and identification number/s} until {he/she/they} graduate or leave the Compassion Child Sponsorship Programme and to apply any balance not used for his/her/their sponsorship to Tearfund’s general purposes. I declare that the official receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of Tearfund shall be full and sufficient discharge for my Trustees."