Myanmar Earthquake Appeal

Provide essential supplies to people affected by the earthquake

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Our Work

We offer children a hope more powerful than poverty through sponsorship with our partner, Compassion International.

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We protect people who are vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation with an end-to-end strategy and industry-leading partnerships.

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We work with farmers and entrepreneurs to build capacity and make lasting change, lifting themselves out of poverty.

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We work to restore hope and peace when disaster strikes, providing immediate aid as well as prevention and rebuilding work.

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The power of growing up together  

Born six months and 12,000 kilometres apart, Praise and Sienna live in different worlds. But they have developed a beautiful friendship through letter writing that crosses cultures and continents. Sponsoring a child is a journey your whole family can share —one that could shape your lives as much as it impacts the child you sponsor.  

Sponsor a child


Democratic Republic of Congo Crisis

Help provide safe water and essential items to families fleeing conflict.


East Africa Hunger Crisis

Help families survive the hunger crisis in Ethiopia.


Gift for Life

Browse a range of meaningful gifts that have a global impact. Giving a little never meant so much!


Children sponsored by kiwis like you


Raised for our global partner organisation

With donations, kiwi's just like you are making a difference all over the world.


People's lives impacted in the past

We work with farmers and entrepreneurs to build capacity and make lasting change, lifting themselves out of poverty.


Leaving a gift in your will

Leaving a gift in your will to Tearfund is a practical way to change the future for someone else. We have advice and can answer any questions you may have.

An organisation you can trust​​​​​​​

$13 Million Last year we provided over $13M in funding to partners and projects.

Impact last year our projects reached over 100,000 people with help and support.

Partnership We work through local experts to bring long-term sustainable change.

Faith based Motivated by Jesus, we encourage kiwis to act for justice to relieved poverty around the world.

"The vulnerable and the poor are the people suffering the most from this pandemic. A small sacrifice for us could change someone’s world. "


"I wanted to be someone who loves and fights for people struggling around the world."


"It was an easy decision in choosing to leave behind a good bequest to Tearfund knowing that as I go on to the next adventure, my reach on this planet continues in one of the most meaningful ways I can think of."